1954 Clippings

On-going Research; last updated 20 November 2014

4th January 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Non-Manual Staff - Annual Increments Recommended, 1st April, 1954
Attached to this report is a Schedule setting out the present salaries, gradings, age, length of service, etc., of the members of the staff of your Department, together with details of appropriate automatic increases within approved grades where holders of the posts are eligible.  Such increases are automatic, subject to no adverse report being submitted against any of the officers concerned.  In none of the cases which qualify for increment have I any adverse comments to make upon the officers set out in the schedule.  I therefore recommend that, subject to such amendments as may obtain arising out of either recommendations for alterations to the establishment referred to below, that the appropriate increases be implemented with effect from the 1st April, 1954.
I also recommend that Mr. W. Banks (34) employed as a Draughtsman at Head Office be regraded from Miscellaneous Grade V. (£480-£540 per annum) to Miscellaneous Grade VI. (£525-£585 per annum) with effect from the 1st April next.
.......................He is one of the Instructors of the Department’s School of Horticulture at King’s Heath Park, and earlier this year he won the Departmental Coronation Garden Bed Competition.
List of Salaries of Non-Manual Staff and Recommendations for Increases to take effect from the 1st April, 1954
Name:                                                         Whiteley, AA.
Present Designation:                                  Pk.Supt; K. Heath Pk.
Age as at 1st Apr. 1952:                              56
Length of service as at 1st Apr. 1952:         22
Present Grade:                                           APT. IV. (Max)
Present salary (incl. emoluments if any):   £600
Value of emoluments (if any):                    £65
Min. & Max. Salaries within Grade:            £555-£600
Increment Appropriate to Grade:                -
Salary recommended:                                £600
Remarks                                                     Max. of Grade reached
Since the last meeting of your Committee, the appointments as set out in Appendix “E” have been made.
Appendix “E”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                     Moseley, J.S. (40)
Designation:                      Pks. Police
Where Employed:              Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:            23.11.53
Wages:                              £6.13.2.
Name & Age:                     Battison, D.R. (20)
Designation:                      Gdn. Boy “B”
Where Employed:              Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:            4.1.54
Wages:                              £5.13.5.
Temporary Manual Employees – Appointment to the Permanent Staff
It is recommended that the temporary manual employees given in Appendix “K” be appointed to the Permanent Staff of the Department with effect from the 4th January 1954.  The approval of the Committee for such action is desired.
Appendix “K”
Temporary Manual Employees – Appointment to the Permanent Staff
District No. 2.
D.E. Acres (25)                   Female Wkr.                 Kings Heath Pk
A.J. Grace (18)                   Apprentice Gdn.            Kings Heath Pk
J.A. Green (21)                   Female Wkr.                  Kings Heath Pk
Non-Manual Annual Increments
14579   Resolved:-  That, subject to ..............., appropriate increases in respect of the salaries of non-manual staff, as set out in the schedule attached to the foregoing report, be implemented to take effect from the 1st April, 1954.
Temporary Manual Employees – Appointment to the Permanent Staff
14590   Resolved:-   That the temporary manual employees as set out in Appendix “K” to the foregoing report be appointed to the permanent staff of the Parks Department with effect from the 1st January 1954. 
Staff Appointments
14585   Resolved:-   That the various appointments made to fill Council vacancies on the manual staff, as detailed in Appendix “E” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
Alderman Mrs. Hyde submitted the following report of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee:-
Cannon Hill Park and Kings Heath Park – Proposed Installation of Internal W.C’s in Superintendents’ Lodges
I have received an application from the respective Superintendents at the above-mentioned parks, for the installation of an internal W.C. set in the bathroom at their lodges, the existing accommodation being outside.
You Committee may agree that such installation should be provided, and subject to their approval, the work could be carried out by your Artisan Staff at a cost of approximately £30 at each site, the present drainage and water facilities being favourably placed for the necessary connections.
I shall be pleased to receive your Committee’s instructions regarding the above-mentioned application.
Cannon Hill Park and Kings Heath Park – Proposed Installation of Internal W.C’s in Superintendents’ Lodges
14607   Resolved:-   That, having regard to the circumstances set out in the foregoing report, approval be given to the installation of internal W.C’s in the Superintendents’ Lodges at Cannon Hill Park and Kings Heath Park at an estimated cost of £30 in respect of each site.
Councillor Broughton submitted the following report of the Recreation and Entertainments Sub-Committee:-
Entertainments in the Parks, 1954
With regard to the approval given in principle by your Committee to the shortening of the season of entertainments to not more than four or five weeks at seven or eight parks, the following suggested programme is submitted for consideration:-
(From a list of 7 parks, and 31 weeks of entertainment:-)
King’s Heath                      12th July  -  7th August                4 weeks
By thus reducing the total amount of entertainment provided by nine weeks, it should be possible to effect a saving of some £1,500 which could be mainly devoted to the engagement of better class entertainers.
Seasons of five weeks have been allocated to Summerfield, Small Heath and Handsworth Parks, in view of the fact that these parks have been the best attended over the last few years.  Rookery Park has been eliminated owing to attendances being so much lower than at any other park last year, and other parks have been allocated a four weeks’ season
In order to facilitate the preparation of the theatres, the above suggested programme is arranged so that not more than one theatre opens on any Monday, and the greatest number of theatres would be operating during the Birmingham holiday week and the August Bank Holiday week, which have always been the best weeks for attendances.
It should be noted that, in the event of an engagement being offered to the Century Theatre, details of which are given in the next item in this report, then it might be necessary to adjust the above suggested dates.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.
Entertainments in the Parks, 1954
14665   Resolved:-   That, subject to any adjustments which may be necessary in respect of individual parks at a later date, the proposal that an entertainments season be held at the seven parks as more particularly detailed in the foregoing report, for the periods shown, be approved.
4th January 1954 - Parks Department (Operations Card 55 C/H/1/1)
Tenancy – The Lodge
Parks Committee Min. No. 14607 of 4/1/54 authorised the installation of an internal W.C. set in the bathroom at an estimated cost of £30. 0. 0.
1st February 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Alderman Mrs. Hyde presented the following report of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee:-
Departmental Training Scheme
In connection with the training of Apprentice Groundsmen under the above Scheme, it has been felt for some time now that the theoretical and scientific instruction given in the classroom should be supplemented by the use of small demonstration plots of turf where the effects of various methods and treatments could be demonstrated in a practical manner.  Certain of these plots, it is suggested, would be treated with various combinations of fertilisers, others would show the relative values of different types of weed killing agents and materials used in eradicating worms and other pests, in addition to the effects of normal cultural operations such as spiking, forking and raking.  It is considered that plots of this nature would not only be of immense value in impressing on the young groundsmen the veracity of recommendations made during the classroom lectures, but also serve as a Departmental testing ground for experimenting with new materials and implements which are continually being placed on the market as aids to better turf production.
Should the Sub-Committee agree that the establishment of plots of this nature would be a desirable adjunct to existing facilities for training, it will appreciate that any area allocated for the purpose should be located within King’s Heath Park, so as to be easily accessible from the school premises.
An area considered admirably suited for the purpose is shown coloured green on the plan which will be available at your meeting.  It is situate between the Putting Green and the lower Bowling Green, and because of its limited area (it measures 18 yds. x 82 yds.) and general location is seldom used by the public who prefer the wider expanses of turf near the park entrances.
It would be advisable that this area be enclosed by a low fence to prevent accidental trespass on the plots, but it is suggested that gates could be constructed at either end so that interested members of the public could traverse the length of the section and observe the results of the various treatments.  Each plot could be clearly labelled and possibly a small notice board placed near one of the entrances could be used to describe the purpose of the work being carried out.
The Committee's instructions are desired.
Departmental Training Scheme – Demonstration Turf Plots
14740   Resolved:-   That approval be given to the proposal for the establishment of an area at Kings Heath Park, as more particularly described in the foregoing report, for use as demonstration plots for turf and, further, that authority be given for the provision of fencing and gates and a small information notice board at this area, on the lines proposed in the report.
Included in this Minute is a report concerning:-
Rate Estimates 1954/55
(From a very long, and detailed report:-)
The report shows that the following allocations were included in the budget preparation for King’s Heath Park:-
Maintenance of Drives and Pathways:-
·                Tarspraying of existing surfaces necessary to prevent disintegration of tarmacadam - £250
·                Tarpaving work – Extension of Children’s playground - £250
·                130 yds. Sawn oak fence, Avenue Road - £175 – To replace existing dilapidated fence which is giving access and leads to a considerable amount of damage.
New Developments:-
For Park
·                Electric light to office, mess room, tool shed, garages, greenhouses, outbuildings - £8 – Existing lighting carried out by paraffin lamps.
For Horticultural School
·                5 Microscopes - £142
·                Chemical equipment and books - £165
·                26 Wooden lockers - £94
Replacement of dilapidated and unserviceable greenhouses
·                Replace greenhouse 70 ft. x 12 ft.  -  £600
Deletions already effected in preliminary estimates:-
·                240 yds. Chestnut fence around pool - £100

1st February 1954 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 D2)
Departmental Training Scheme – Demonstration Turf Plots
Min. No. 14740 of 1st February 1954 approved a proposal to utilize an area situated between the putting green and the lower bowling green (size 82 yds. X 18 yds.) for demonstrating turf culture to apprentice groundsmen.  The same minute authorised the provision of fencing, gates and a small information notice board for describing the purpose of the work to the general public.
1st March 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
B.B.C. Children’s Hour Garden Plots
In previous years, this Department has co-operated with the Midland Region of the British Broadcasting Corporation in providing “Children’s Hour” Gardening Plots at the following sites:-
Queens Park                                   Warley Park
King’s Heath Park                           Small Heath Park
Rookery Park                                  Pype Hayes Park
St. Paul’s Churchyard                     Handsworth Park
The British Broadcasting Corporation has requested that these small gardening plots should continue during 1954, on the same basis as previously.
Children are nominated from various schools to tend the plots during the year.  The names of these children are provided by the Education Department and are forwarded on by this Department to the Officers-in-Charge of the parks concerned who are instructed to provide the children, upon application, with plants, seeds and other items and also lend them what gardening tools they may require for the purpose of cultivating the plots.  Officers-in-Charge are also asked to give any advice or technical assistance the children may request.
The Sub-Committee will remember that in previous years the gardening plot at King’s Heath Park was featured in both sound and television broadcasts.
Approval has been given to the continuance of the above arrangements and the Committee’s confirmation of this action is desired.
Employees – Departmental Accommodation
In 1947-48 your Committee decided to safeguard their interest in properties owned or controlled by them, by arranging that future tenant employees should enter into an agreement with the Corporation evidencing the fact that the accommodation was granted to them in consequence of their employment with the Department.
Whilst your Committee have, in most instances, authorised the Town Clerk to prepare the necessary agreements, I find that there are certain exceptions, these mainly consisting of employees transferred on promotion from one park to another with consequent change of accommodation, and a schedule (“B”) of the employees concerned is attached.  These employees have recently been informed that they will be required to enter into an agreement with the Corporation, and I shall be glad if your Committee will instruct the Town Clerk to prepare the necessary documents accordingly.
I would mention that service tenancy agreements contain a clause reserving the Corporation’s right to revise the terms of letting at any time and the licences to occupy show only the employee’s basic wage or salary, no reference being made to value of emoluments.
Schedule “B”
Schedule of Properties Occupied by Employees since the 1st January 1948, for which no Agreements have been prepared. 
Properties occupied as part of emoluments
(Licences to Occupy)
Name:                                                                                Whiteley, A.A.
Property:                                                                           Lodge, Kings Heath Park
Date occupied:                                                                  12.2.49
Wage or Salary of Employee as at 1st February 1954:           £600 p.a.
Use of Parks 
(There is no report, or Minute, but the following Appendix is attached to the report:-
Appendix “D”
Use of Parks
Organisation:         B’ham & District Children’s Service Union
Date:                     17.7.1954
Park:                      Kings Heath Pk.
Purpose:                Public Meeting
B.B.C. “Children’s Hour” Gardening Plots
14879   Resolved:-   That the action taken in agreeing to co-operate with the Midland Region of the British Broadcasting Corporation in providing “Children’s Hour” gardening plots at sites in various parks, as more particularly set out in the foregoing report on the same basis as in previous years, be approved and confirmed.
Employees – Departmental Accommodation
14892   Resolved:-   That, having regard to the circumstances set out in the foregoing report, the Town Clerk be authorised to prepare and seal the necessary agreements with the various employees referred  to in Schedule “B” to the report in respect of the departmental accommodation occupied by them.
Alderman Mrs. Hyde submitted the following report of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee:-
Departmental Properties – Improvements
In connection with the general discussion which ensued at the meeting of your full Committee on the 4th January last, when authority was given for the installation of internal W.Cs. at the Superintendent’s lodges at Cannon Hill and King’s Heath Parks, I was asked to provide further information of similar works which had recently been carried out to Departmental properties.  I have, therefore, pleasure in setting out hereunder the information required, from which it will be seen that during the latter years, it has been the general practice to increase the emoluments valuation up to 8% of the total cost of the works permitted under the Housing Act:-
There then follows a list which did not include Kings Heath Park.
The suggestion was made that, in connection with the works in progress at Cannon Hill and King’s Heath Parks, the assessment might be deferred until the particulars asked for by your Committee in connection with the total revaluation of emoluments was placed before you.
It will be appreciated that this complete revision which I have asked the City Estates Officer to undertake will not be available for a considerable time, owing to the amount of work involved, and in order to maintain a degree of consistency, I think it would be advisable to increase the value of the emoluments in respect of the improvements at Cannon Hill and King’s Heath Parks during the interim period.  As soon as the complete cost of these works is available, if you so approve, I shall be glad to submit a further report making recommendations for the increments in emoluments valuation.
Departmental Properties – Improvements
14907   Resolved:-   That, the action taken in submitting the question of the complete revision of the emolument values of the various properties concerned to the City Estates Officer be approved and confirmed; and that, having regard to the circumstances set out in the foregoing report, the value of the emoluments in respect of improvements of residential accommodation at Cannon Hill and Kings Heath Parks be increased to the extent of 8% per annum on the capital costs of such improvements, pending a general review of the emolument values of all properties under the control of the Committee, as referred to in the foregoing report; further, that the Town Clerk be instructed to make any necessary amendments to the relative tenancy agreements.
The Chairman submitted the following report of the Special Estimates Sub-Committee:-
Rate Estimates 1954/55 - Reduction of £50,000
(The following specific items were identified in a very long report:-)
Kings Heath Park
Maintenance of Drives and Pathways:-
·                Tarpaving work – Extension of Children’s playground - £250
·                130 yds. Sawn oak fence, Avenue Road - £175
Reduction in Rate Estimates, 1954/55
14956   Resolved:-   That the action taken to achieve a reduction in the Committee’s estimates for 1954/55 of £50,000 in accordance with the requirements of the Finance Committee, as more particularly detailed in the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
1st March - Parks Department (Operations Card 55 CH/1//1)
Tenancy – The Lodge
By Min. No. 14907 of 1/3/1954 it was decided that the annual value of emoluments in respect of this accommodation should be increased to the extent of 8% of the capital cost of installing the internal W.C. set.  This improvement was completed on 1/11/1954 and emolument value increased by £3 p.a.  (Refer letter to City Treasurer dated 28/2/1955).
5th April 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
I have to recommend the regradings as set out in Appendix “J” for the approval of the Committee, to take effect from the dates indicated.  The services of the employees recommended have been satisfactory.
Appendix “J”
Name & Age:                                  Harris, D.E. (26)
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Grading & Wages:             
                 Present:                         Gdn. Lab.         £6.6.0.
                 Recommended:             Gdn. 2nd Cl.       £6.13.0.
Date commenced:                          19.8.52
To date from:                                  1.3.54
Staff – Re-gradings
15010   Resolved:-   That the staff regradings, as set out in Appendix “J” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed, such regradings to take effect from the dates stated therein.
3rd May 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Use of Parks
I beg to submit in Appendix “D” particulars of applications received for the use of parks.  The applications being not inconsistent with your Committee’s policy were granted, and it is asked that the action be approved.
Appendix “D”
Use of Parks
Organisation:         Elim Gospel Church
Date:                      27.6.1954
Park:                      Kings Heath Pk.
Purpose:                Public Meeting
Police Report – Serious Accidents
Since the last meeting of your Sub-Committee there have been 14 serious accidents dealt with in the parks and the patients sent to hospital.  There were also 205 minor injuries treated and the patients sent home.  Details of serious accidents are given in Appendix “L”.
Appendix “L”
Police Report – Serious Accidents
Date:                                  27.2.54
Park:                                  Kings Heath Pk.
Name & Age:                     Margaret Davies (17)
Nature of Injury:                 Collapse
Cause of Injury:                 Natural causes
Use of Parks
15180   Resolved:-   That the action taken in granting permission for the use of Parks, as detailed in Appendix “D” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
31st May 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
The following report of the Deputy General Manager was submitted:-
School of Training – Supply of Lockers
Quotations have been obtained for the supply and fixing of 26 small lockers at Kings Heath Park House for use by the Apprentices whilst attending the school.  The quotations are summarised below:-
Mutter & Hall,
     55, Harrow Road, Selly Oak, 29.                         £94- 0-0
James Broomfield & Son,
     316, Belgrave Rd; B’ham. 12.                             £75- 0-0
Wm. Street & Sons, Ltd.,
     184, Bristol Street, B’ham. 5.                              £56-10-0
Provision has been made in the Estimates for the current financial year for this expenditure, and your Committee’s authority to accept the lowest tender is desired.
King’s Heath Park – Improvements to Water Service
In connection with the above-mentioned improvements authorised under Minute No. 9481 of 7th November, 1949 and carried out by E.J. Sands, Ltd., Heathfield Road, Birmingham, 19, the Water Department have now submitted their account for the 3” mains connections and incidental work in Vicarage Road, amounting to £138-4-11.
There has been some delay in presenting the account, but the expenditure has been included as a liability within the 1953-54 financial year in which provision for the cost was made.
The Committee’s authority for payment of this account is desired.
School of Training – Supply of Lockers
15338   Resolved:-   That the quotations of William Street & Sons Limited for the supply and fixing of 26 small wooden lockers at King’s Heath Park House for use by the apprentices while attending the School of Training, as referred to in the foregoing report, in the sum of £56. 10s. 0d., be accepted.
King’s Heath Park – Improvements to Water Service
15342   Resolved:-   That authority be given for the payment to E.J. Sands Limited of the sum of £138. 4. 11d. for the carrying out of improvements to the water service at King’s Heath Park, as referred to in the foregoing report.
5th July 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Since the last meeting of your Committee, the appointments as set out in Appendix “F” have been made.
Appendix “E”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                 Evans, W.L. (54)
Designation:                                  Gdn. Lab
Where employed:                          Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:                        4.5.54
Wages:                                          £6.6.0.
Since the last meeting of your Committee, the resignations a set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                     Hubner, W. (59)
Designation:                      Gdn. Lab
Where employed:              Kings Heath Pk.
Date ceased:                     9.4.54
Length of Service:             11 mths.
Police Report – Serious Accidents
Since the last meeting of your Sub-Committee, there have been 23 serious accidents dealt with in the parks and the patients sent to hospital.  There were also 250 minor injuries treated and the patients sent home.  Details of serious accidents are given in Appendix “L”.
Appendix “L”
Police Report – Serious Accidents
Date:                                 30.4.54
Park:                                 Kings Heath Pk.
Name & Age:                    Josephine Turner (13)
Nature of Injury:                Injury, upper part rt. leg
Cause of Injury:                Fell while swinging from cross bar of plank swing
Date:                                 16.5.54
Park:                                  Kings Heath Pk.
Name & Age:                     John Thomas Atkins (37)
Nature of Injury:                 Facial injury
Cause of Injury:                 Struck by a cricket ball during cricket match
Staff – Appointments
15393   Resolved:-   That the various appointments made to fill the existing vacancies on the Manual Staff, as detailed in Appendix “E” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
Alderman Mrs. Hyde submitted the following report of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee:-
Various Parks – Provision of Greenhouses
In accordance with provisions made in current Estimates for the supply and erection of new greenhouse superstructures, I submit below a summary of quotations received from specialist firms for carrying out the necessary work at the parks concerned:-
                           Ward End         K. Heath           Queen’s            Queen’s            Lightswood
Contractor           50’x24’              75’x13’3”           28’5”x11’1”        50’x12’              30’x18’
                               £                      £                      £                      £                      £
Boulton &               340                   771  #               208-7-0             489  #               408
Paul, Ltd.,
Foster &                693                   1,151                268  #               678-5-0             550  #
Pearson, Ltd.,
Wm. Wood &        591-3-9  #          844                   255                   672                   581-10-0
Son, Ltd.,
Taplow, Bucks
Amount allowed
In Estimates         600                   600                   150                   650                   675
It will be seen that Boulton & Paul, Ltd. prices are consistently lower than those of the other firms, but in fairness to the remaining contractors it is pointed out that all the quotations mentioned above are based on the respective firms own standard specification, and from examination and analysis of these in comparison with the prices quoted, it is considered that the most economical purchases would be those buildings marked with an asterisk.
Should the Committee agree with these recommendations, the total expenditure would be £2,669-3-9. as against the total amount allowed in the Estimates, viz. - £2,675.  I would mention that the 50ft x 12ft. greenhouse at Queen’s Park and that at Lightwoods are entirely new structures and include complete staging and heating apparatus, the remaining three being replacements of the existing houses.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.
Various Parks – Provision of Greenhouses
15420   Resolved:-   That the quotation of Boulton & Paul, Ltd. in the sum of £771 for the replacement of the existing greenhouse superstructure at Kings Heath Park, as referred to in the foregoing report be accepted; that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare and seal the necessary contract documents, and that the matter be reported to the City Council as an exception to Standing Orders.
5th July 1954 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 EF/7)
Kings Heath Park - Buildings
Replacement of superstructure of 75ft greenhouse:  Contractor: Boulton & Paul Ltd.  Cost: £771.  Parks Committee Minute 15420 dated 5/7/54.
26th July 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Provision of Illuminated Christmas Trees
As instructed by your Committee’s Minute No.14434, the question of alternative sites for illuminated Christmas Trees to be erected for the coming Christmas season has been investigated and I submit the following suggestions for your consideration:-
(a)   Alternative Sites in Churchyards
In view of the religious association the Christmas Tree has with the season of Christmas, your Committee may care to consider the resiting of two of the trees to within the Churchyards of the Parish Churches near the original sites, viz:-
From                                   To
Aston Park                          Aston Parish Churchyard
Kings Heath Park               All Saints’ Churchyard, High St., Kings Heath
It will, of course, be necessary to obtain the permission of the two vicars concerned.  It is not anticipated that the placing of the Christmas Trees in these Churchyards adjacent to the highway would involve any serious difficulties in the supply of electric current, which would be drawn from the Church supplied in each case.
The Committee’s instructions on the proposed siting of Christmas Trees for 1954 are requested.
Use of Parks
I beg to submit in Appendix “D” particulars of applications received for the use of parks.  The applications being not inconsistent with your Committee’s policy were granted, and it is asked that the action be approved.
Appendix “D”
Use of Parks
Organisation:                     Hope Chapel
Date:                                 18.7.54 and 1.8.54
Park:                                  Kings Heath Pk.
Purpose:                            Public Meeting
Since the last meeting of your Committee, the appointments as set out in Appendix “F” have been made.
Appendix “E”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                 Simpson, A. (74)
Designation:                                  Nightwatchman
Where employed:                          Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:                        6.7.54
Wages:                                         19.9.per night
I have to recommend the regradings as set out in Appendix “J” for the approval of the Committee, to take effect from the dates indicated.  The services of the employees recommended have been satisfactory.
Appendix “J”
District No.1.                                             
Name & Age:                     Cooper, J.B. (28)
Where employed:              Kings Heath Pk.
Grading & Wages:
Present:                        Gdnr. 1st            £6.13.0.
Recommended:            Gdnr. RHS        £7.2.0.
Date Commenced:            27.5.52
To date from:                    14.5.53
Provision of Illuminated Christmas Trees
15497   Resolved:-   That subject to the requisite consents being obtained, approval be given to the proposal contained in the foregoing report to provide illuminated Christmas trees at Aston Parish Churchyard and All Saints’ Churchyard, Kings Heath, during the 1954 Christmas Season, in lieu of the sites formerly used at Aston and Kings Heath Parks.
Use of Parks
15512   Resolved:-   That the action of the General Manager in granting the use of the parks set out in Appendix “D” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
Staff – Appointments
15513   Resolved:-   That the various appointments made to fill the existing vacancies on the Manual Staff, as detailed in Appendix “E” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
Staff – Regradings
15517   Resolved:-   That the staff regradings as set out in Appendix “J” to the foregoing report be approved and confirmed, such regradings to take effect from the dates stated therein.
The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
Restaurants and Refreshment Rooms in Parks
Civic Restaurants Department’s Tenancies
The refreshment rooms at the undermentioned parks and recreation grounds are at present let to the Civic Restaurants Department for a period of three years expiring on the 30th September, 1954:-
From a list of 19 sites:-
King’s Heath Park                          £45 per annum Annual Rental
In addition to the above rents, a fixed charge of £5 per annum is made for water consumed in each of the above refreshment rooms, with the exception of Bilberry Hill Tearooms.
The Committee last reviewed the position in regard to these refreshment rooms in March, 1951, when it was decided to allow the Civic Restaurants Department tenancies to continue for a period of three years, subject to their paying the revised rentals, as suggested by the City Estates Officer.
I have been in communication with the Secretary of the Restaurants Department in regard to the refreshment room tenancies in the parks, and he has made the undermentioned observations:-
(1)   “The question of the renewal of tenancies is a question of principle and policy for the two Committees concerned.  I will only say from the Officer’s point of view that we have expended a considerable amount of capital on Parks catering, and heavy loan charges are still in being.  Any suggestion varying our tenancies therefore is a matter of high policy as far as this Department is concerned and which the Catering Committee would have to give careful consideration in view of the financial repercussions if we should lose our rights.
(2)   We do not feel in view of the heavy capital expenditure to which we are committed so far as Parks catering is concerned that a tenancy of three years is a very satisfactory period.  Naturally in laying out capital for Parks catering we continually have in mind the three year tenancy period and this colours the picture in considering what improvements shall be made.
As an example the alterations at Cannon Hill Park cost this Department approximately £700 and such expenditure is hardly justified from the tenants point of view, if the tenancy is short term.
I feel that a period of say, 7 years would be far more satisfactory.  It would enable us to look ahead and plan improvements urgently required.
(3)   We continually have in mind that several of the refreshment rooms are most unsatisfactory, for example, Pype Hayes, Trittiford Mill Pool and Handsworth Park.  Improvements to these premises would be most costly and out of proportion to income.  I feel that both the Committees ought to get together sometime and agree a line of policy for the future.  Are we to go on year after year catering in premises which are little short of a disgrace to the City.  It is quite clear that some time the Council will have to face up to the erection of new refreshment rooms in certain parks, and I am wondering whether the time is not ripe to prepare a programme to cover say, the next ten years.
(4)   The final point is the urgent need to provide an electrical installation in several parks. The lack of such an essential service is most unfortunate from the angle of catering, hygiene and lighting, and while we are now making some progress I feel that all parks should have an electrical installation as soon as possible.
The Catering Committee is prepared to play its part but again it has constantly in mind this three year tenancy period.”
The Committee’s instructions are desired.
Restaurants and Refreshment Rooms in Parks
Civic Restaurants Department’s Vacancies (sic)
15578   Resolved:-   That the General Manager be instructed to inform the Secretary of the Civic Restaurants Department that this Committee are not prepared to grant tenancies of Restaurants and Refreshment Rooms in the Parks for a period of more than three years, and that the Chairman and the Chairman of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee be requested to meet the Chairman of the Catering Committee in order to discuss the general policy to be adopted with regard to such Restaurants and Refreshments Rooms with power to act, and that they be requested to report to this Committee thereon in due course.

1st November 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
In the absence of Councillor Horton at the commencement of the meeting, the (sic) the Chairman presented the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Horticultural Training Scheme – 2nd Annual Report
The Departmental Horticultural Training Scheme has now been in operation since the 22nd September, 1952, and the second Annual Report on its activities is set out herewith for your Committee’s consideration.
(Relevant extracts from a very long report:-)
Teaching Staff and Instruction
During the past academic year, instruction has been given by the following suitably qualified members of the Departmental Staff co-ordinated by the Senior Horticulturist:-
Name                  Official Capacity                       Subject
(From a total list of 11 staff:-)
A.A. Whiteley       Supt. K. Heath Pk.                    Vegetables
R.D. Bagnall        R.H.S. Gardener,                      Botany
    K. Heath Pk.                              Soils and Manures
J. Green (Miss)   Gardener, 2nd Class                   Physics
                            K. Heath Pk.
In certain subjects, the classroom lectures were supplemented by practical demonstrations within the park and by visits to places of particular horticultural interest, such as the Warwickshire Cricket Club Ground, the R.H.S. Gardens at Wisley, the University of Wales Plant Breeding Station at Aberystwyth, Sutton & Sons Trial Grounds at Reading, and the Ministry of Agriculture’s Horticultural Experimental Station at Luddington.  Essentially however, the practical training of the Apprentices is obtained at the parks and golf courses where they are employed.
School Premises and Facilities
As the Committee is aware, the Apprentices, Trainees and Garden Boys attending at the Departmental School do so for one full day each week.  With the present recent intake there are now nine groups totalling eighty students receiving instruction at Kings’ Heath Park and the school premises are in full use from 9 a.m. to 4-30 p.m. each day from Monday to Friday.
The existing facilities are adequate to deal with this number, but it is considered that an additional lecture room would be required by September, 1955, when it is anticipated that there would be a further intake of Apprentices and Trainees.  A room which would prove admirable for adaptation as a lecture room exists on the ground floor at King’s Heath Park House and is one of the two rooms at present occupied by the City Restaurants Department.  As the Committee is aware, the tenancy agreements with the Restaurants Department are at present under review, and your Committee may feel that the lease of this one room, which expired on the 30th September last, could be renewed only until 31st August, 1955, should renewal be sought by the Restaurants Department.
It has also been felt for some time that the school facilities could be improved by the addition of a Common Room where the students could relax during their mid-day break; at present they are obliged to use the classroom. In this connection it is understood that Mr. V.G. Collings, your Departmental Architect, who occupies a flat in King’s Heath Park House, has offered to relinquish one room within the near future, and although it is too small for consideration as a lecture room, it would be adequate as a Common Room, and your Committee may care to consider the proposal that it be allocated to the School for this purpose when it becomes available.
Outdoors, the model fruit and vegetable gardens, which were established in the early spring of 1953 and the turf experimental plots laid down in 1954, are developing satisfactorily and proving invaluable aids to instruction.
Further Observations
The enthusiasm for the Training Scheme is being maintained at an extremely high level by the instructors and students alike. In their practical work the Apprentices receive every encouragement from the Park Staffs who give instruction both willingly and without stint.
The Apprentices have their own Football and Cricket teams which compete in Departmental Sporting events, and the tie and blazer badge which your Committee sanctioned are worn with obvious pride.
A report on both the practical and academic progress of each Apprentice is submitted to his or her parent at the termination of each session, and your Committee may care to consider the possibility of instituting an Open day, perhaps next Summer, when these parents could be invited to the School to inspect its work and facilities.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.
Horticultural Training Scheme – Intake of Apprentices and Trainees
In accordance with Minute No. 15,505 dated 5th July, 1954, a Selection Board consisting of the Chairman, the Chairman of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee and Alderman Denton sat on the 16th and 17th August to interview applicants for training under your Committee’s Scheme.  In accordance with the instructions of that Board, the following persons have been offered and have accepted appointments as Indentured Apprentices:-
Applications for advanced training were received and approved from the following employees of the Department:-
(From a list of 4:-)
Derek Roy Battison             Garden Boy “B”             King’s Heath Pk.
123, Oxford Rd;
Birmingham, 13.
The Committee’s confirmation of the selection of the above-mentioned and authority for the Town Clerk to prepare and seal the necessary indentures and training agreements is desired.
Use of Parks
I beg to submit in Appendix “D” particulars of applications received for the use of parks.  The applications being not inconsistent with your Committee’s policy were granted, and it is asked that the action be approved.
Appendix “D”
Use of Parks
Organisation:                     Hope Chapel
Date:                                 15.8.54, 29.8.54, 12.9.54 and 26.9.54
Park:                                  Kings Heath Pk.
Purpose:                            Religious Meeting
Since the last meeting of your Committee, the resignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                  Simpson, A. (78)
Designation:                                   Nightwatchman
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                                 10.8.54
Length of service:                          1 mth.
I have to recommend the regradings as set out in Appendix “J” for the approval of the Committee, to take effect from the dates indicated.  The services of the employees recommended have been satisfactory.
Appendix “J”
District No.2.                                             
Name & Age:                      Battison, D.R. (21)
Where employed:               Kings Heath Park
Grading & Wages:
Present:                         Gdn. Boy “B”     £5.18.4
Recommended:             Gdnr. 2nd Cl.      £6.18.10
Date Commenced:             4.1.54
To date from:                     23.9.54
Police Report – Serious Accidents
Since the last meeting of your Sub-Committee, there have been 119 serious accidents dealt with in the parks and the patients sent to hospital.  There were also 1405 minor injuries treated and the patients sent home.  Details of serious accidents are given in Appendix “L”.
Appendix “L”
Police Report – Serious Accidents
Date:                                 8.7.54
Park:                                 Kings Heath Pk.
Name & Age:                    George Alcock (15)
Nature of Injury:                Suspected fractured kneecap
Cause of Injury:                Slipped playing football
Date:                                 16.5.54
Park:                                 Kings Heath Pk.
Name & Age:                    John Thomas Atkins (37)
Nature of Injury:                Facial injury
Cause of Injury:                Struck by a cricket ball during cricket match
Horticultural Training Scheme, Second Annual Report
15717   Resolved:-   That the Second Annual Report on the Departmental Horticultural Training Scheme, as now submitted, be approved, and that the General Manager be requested to convey to the Senior Horticulturist and the other members of the Instructional Staff the congratulations of this Committee on the excellent results so far achieved by them.
Kings Heath Park School Premises and Facilities
15718   Resolved:-   That the proposed use of one of the two rooms at Kings Heath Park House at present tenanted by the Civic Restaurants Department as referred to in the foregoing report, as a Lecture Room in connection with the Horticultural Training Scheme be approved; that the General Manager be instructed to consult the Chief Catering Officer thereon, and that the Chairman (Councillor Chaffery) and the Chairman of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee (Councillor E.W. Horton) be authorised to take such action in connection therewith as they may consider necessary.
15719   Resolved:-  That the proposed utilisation of part of the flat at Kings Heath Park in the occupation of Mr. V.G. Collings, as referred to in the foregoing report, as a Common Room in connection with the Horticultural Training Scheme be approved; that the General Manager be instructed to consult the City Estates Officer on the question of adjusting Mr. Collings’ rent, and that the Chairman (Councillor Chaffery) and the Chairman of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee (Councillor E.W. Horton) be authorised to take such action in connection therewith as they may consider necessary.
Horticultural Training Scheme – Proposed Open Day
15720   Resolved:-   That the proposals for the institution of an Open Day during the summer of 1955, when parents of students of the Horticultural Training School can be invited to inspect its work and facilities, as referred to in the foregoing report be approved.
Horticultural Training Scheme – Visit by Committee
15721   Resolved:-   That arrangements be made at a convenient opportunity, for a Visit of Inspection of the Horticultural Training School be carried out by this Committee, and also for the instructional staff to take tea with the Committee on that occasion.
Horticultural Training Scheme – Intake of Apprentices and Trainees
15723   Resolved:-   That the action taken in selecting the candidates more particularly detailed in the foregoing report for training under the Departmental Horticultural Training Scheme, be approved and confirmed, and that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare and seal the necessary Indentures and Training Agreements.
Use of Parks
15730   Resolved:-   That the action of the General Manager in granting the use of the parks set out in Appendix “D” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
Staff – Regradings
15736   Resolved:-   That the staff regradings as set out in Appendix “J” to the foregoing report be approved and confirmed, such regradings to take effect from the dates stated therein.
Councillor Mrs. Tomlinson submitted the following report of the Recreation and Entertainments Sub-Committee:-
Entertainments in the Parks, 1954 Season
(Relevant extracts only, from a very long report)
Summer Theatres were erected in the following parks:-
(From a list of 7:-)
Kings’ Heath          19th July – 7th August                  4 weeks

Voluntary Chief Marshals – Honoraria
Valuable assistance was rendered by the Voluntary Chief Marshals who assisted at the Summer Theatres during the past season and the following schedule of suggested payments for subsistence, travelling and other expenses is submitted for the Committee’s consideration.  Payment is estimated, as in previous years, at the rate of £1-1-0. per week for attendance at evening performances, and where Chief Marshals were able to attend matinees, payment of £1-1-0. per week is also included.
(From a list of 7:-)
Kings Heath           Mr. W.T. Cutts               4 (evenings)     
          2 (matinees)                  £6-6-0.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Voluntary Sound and Lighting Operators – Honoraria
Where available, voluntary helpers were used to operate the sound and lighting equipment, and at other times members of the Parks Staff undertook this work.  The following schedule of suggested payments for subsistence, travelling expenses, etc. is submitted for consideration:-
(From a list of 5:-)
Kings Heath           Mr. T. Day                     4 (evenings)                  £4-4-0.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Voluntary Chief Marshals – Honoraria
15826   Resolved:-  That authority be given for the payment of the various amounts to the voluntary chief marshals who assisted at the Summer Theatres during the past season, as more particularly set out in the foregoing report.

Voluntary Sound and Lighting Operators – Honoraria
15827   Resolved:-  That authority be given for the payment of the various amounts to the voluntary sound and lighting operators who assisted at the Summer Theatres during the past season, as more particularly set out in the foregoing report.

1st November 1954 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 D2)
Proposed additional accommodation for Horticultural Training School – Kings Heath park House
Min. No. 15718 and 15719 of 1/11/54 approved proposals that one of the two large rooms forming part of the refreshment tenancy should be utilized as an additional lecture room, and that one of the rooms forming part of the 1st floor flat should be used as a Students Common room.

1st November 1954 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 C/H/1/1)
Tenancy – The Lodge
Tenancy continued – A. Whiteley;  Rent free;  Minute No. 14907 dated 1/3/1954;  Emols increase to £68 p.a.

6th December 1954 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor E.W. Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Use of Training School Premises
There are twenty-three Departmental candidates for the Preliminary Examination of the National Diploma in Horticulture to be held on Saturday, 27th November next.  These candidates are Apprentices and Trainees attending at the Departmental School, and it was felt that if the school premises were used as the examination centre, the familiar surroundings would tend to allay the general nervousness and anxiety which the artificial atmosphere of examinations tends to induce.  Arrangements have, therefore, been made to use the premises at Kings Heath Park House and for the candidates to be invigilated by your Senior Horticulturist, who is officially recognised in this capacity by the Royal Horticultural Society.
For this same examination, in response to a request from the Secretary of the Royal Horticultural Society, arrangements have also been made to supervise a few additional but non-Departmental candidates from Birmingham and its surrounding districts.
The Royal Horticultural Society pay an invigilating fee of £1.1.0. in respect of this examination, and this will be transferred to the appropriate Corporation funds.
Your Committee’s confirmation of these arrangements is desired.

Birmingham Corporation Sickness and Accident Allowance Scheme – Miss B.D. Field
I have to report the following cases of personal injury sustained by employees of your Department whilst not on duty:-
(a)      ............
(b)     On the 22nd October last, Miss B.D. Field (33) employed at Kings Heath Park as a Gardener, R.H.S. for the past 2½ years, slipped in the garden at her home and broke her left leg.  As a result of this injury, she is likely to be absent from duty for approximately one month.
Paragraph 8 of the Sickness and Accident Scheme provides that, in the event of absence from work as a result of accident not arising out of and in the course of employment with the Corporation, the employing Committees may grant at their own discretion an amount not exceeding the Sickness Allowance provided under the Sickness and Accident Scheme, subject to the employee undertaking, in the event of his receiving damages from a third party, to refund to the Corporation the total amount of any allowance or such proportion thereof represented in the damages which may have been received.  In accordance with the provisions of the scheme as outlined above, arrangements have been made for these employees to be paid an amount not exceeding that which they would have received under the Sickness and Accident Scheme, and the Committee’s confirmation of the action taken is desired.

Since the last meeting of your Committee, the reesignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                 Harris, D.A. (26)
Designation:                                  Female Wkr.
Where employed:                          Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                                15.10.54
Length of service:                          2 yrs. 2 mths.
Name & Age:                                 Clemons, H (65)
Designation:                                  Gdn. 2nd Cl.
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                                 1.11.54
Length of service:                          4 yrs. 2 mths.

Police Report – Serious Accidents
Since the last meeting of your Sub-Committee, there have been 21 serious accidents dealt with in the parks and the patients sent to hospital.  There were also 212 minor injuries treated and the patients sent home.  Details of serious accidents are given in Appendix “L”.
Appendix “L”
Police Report – Serious Accidents
Date:                                 24.10.54
Park:                                 Kings Heath Pk.
Name & Age:                    Patricia Dillon (8)
Nature of Injury:                Suspected fractured left forearm, shock
Cause of Injury:                Fell from swings

Valuation of Emoluments
(Extracts with specific reference to the park, taken from a very long and involved report)
Schedule of Accommodation Occupied by Employees
List “A” – Non-Manual Employees Receiving Emoluments
Property & Employee:                                            Lodge, Kings Heath Pk.
                                                                               A.A. Whiteley
Date Occupied:                                                     12.2.49
Existing Emoluments:                                            £65. 0s. 0d. p.a.
City Estates Officer’s
proposed Rent (inc. Rates & Water Rates):        £78. 0s. 0d. p.a.
Cost of Heating and Lighting for 1953
     to nearest 10/-
                 Electricity:                                             £8. 0s. 0d.
                 Gas:                                                     £11. 0s. 0d.
                 Coal:                                                    £12. 10s. 0d.
Total cost of the heating and lighting
plus proposed rent:                                             £109. 10s. 0d.
Remarks:                                                                Regard has been made to the installation of internal w/c. authorised by P.C. Min. No. 14907.

List “C” – Non-Manual Employees – Service Tenancies
Property:                                                               1st Floor Flat, Kings Heath House,
         (Kings Heath Park)
Employee:                                                             V.G. Collings
Date Occupied:                                                     16.2.1953
Existing Rent:                                                        30/- p.w. plus rates
City Estates Officer’s
proposed Rent (inc. Rates & Water Rates
unless otherwise stated):                                  30/- p.w. tenant responsible for rates and inside repairs.

Property:                                                              2nd Floor Flat, Kings Heath House,
                                                                              (Kings Heath Park)
Employee:                                                             D.W. Moore
Date Occupied:                                                     1.9.1953
Existing Rent:                                                       17/6d. p.w. plus rates
City Estates Officer’s
proposed Rent (inc. Rates & Water Rates
unless otherwise stated):                                   17/6d. p.w. tenant responsible for rates and inside repairs.

Non-Manual Staff
Name:                                             A.A. Whiteley
Park:                                               K. Heath Pk.    
Present salary:                                £625
12 ½ % of salay:                             £78- 2- 6.
Present Emolument Deduction:      £65
Amount of Increase:                        £13- 2- 6.

Use of Training School Premises
15867   Resolved:-   That the action taken in authorising the use of the departmental horticultural training school premises as an examination centre in connection with the Preliminary Examination of the National Diploma in Horticulture to be held on Saturday, 27th November, 1954, and in making arrangements for a few non-departmental candidates to be examined thereat in accordance with the proposals now submitted, be approved and confirmed.

Birmingham Corporation Sickness and Accident Allowance Scheme – Miss B.D. Field
15874   Resolved:-   That having regard to the circumstances set out in the foregoing report, the action taken in authorising the payment of an amount not exceeding the sickness allowance provided for under the Birmingham Corporation Sickness and Accident Allowance Scheme to Miss B.D. Field, Gardener, Kings Heath Park, subject to her undertaking to refund to the Corporation the total amount of such allowance or such proportion thereof representative of the amount of damages received, be approved and confirmed.

Departmental Accommodation Occupied by Employees on a Service Tenancy Basis
15899   Resolved:-   That the revised terms now suggested by the City Estates Officer in respect of Departmental Accommodation occupied on a service tenancy basis by Parks Department Employees, as referred to in the foregoing report of the General Manager, be approved, and that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare and seal any necessary documents in connection therewith.

Employees in Receipt of Emoluments
The Committee were advised that following the meeting of the Emoluments Sub-Committee further consultations had taken place with the Establishment Officer and it now appeared that, subject to the approval of the Establishment Committee, reasonable increases could be made in emolument values without necessitating the re-grading of the employees affected.
The Chairman stated that the Sub-Committee had given very careful consideration to the matter, and bearing in mind the fact that the employees concerned were required to    (sic) live-in accommodation specified by the Committee, that the accommodation provided varied considerably and that the employees were subject to certain inconveniences outside the normal working hours, the emolument values at present applicable were not unreasonable.  It was therefore –
15900   Resolved:-   That in the circumstances referred to in the foregoing report of the Emoluments Sub-Committee, no alteration be made in the valuation of the emoluments of employees of the Parks Department.

In the absence of Councillor Mrs. Tomlinson, the Chairman submitted the following report of the Recreation and Entertainments Sub-Committee:-
Entertainments in the Parks, 1955 Season
Average attendances at the Summer Theatres for 1954, as compared with 1953, were as follows:-
From a list of 8 (only 7 of which were used in 1954):-
Park                                  1954     1953
King’s Heath                      165        184
Average attendances were slightly lower this year, except in the case of Aston Park, where an increase was recorded, due to the children’s matinees being well attended.
It is suggested that for 1955 the policy of short seasons of not more than four or five weeks in length be continued, and that eight parks might be utilised as in 1953.
The following provisional suggested programme is submitted for the Committee’s consideration:-
From a list of 8 sites (only 7 being specified):-
                                                                           No. of weeks
Park                      Dates                           1955                 1954
K. Heath Pk.          13th June – 9th July             4                      4
The above suggested programme has been arranged so that the first park opens immediately after the Festival of Entertainments, and the last theatre closes on the Saturday before the City of Birmingham Show.  The programme builds up to five parks operating during the Birmingham holiday week and six parks operating during the August Bank holiday week.  Attendances are always at their highest during these two weeks.

Entertainments in the Parks, 1955 Season
15949   Resolved:-   That the following programme be approved in respect of the 1955 Entertainments in the Parks Season:-
(From a list of 8:-)
Kings Heath Park             13th June - 9th July

6th December 1954 - Parks Department (Operations Card 55 C/H/1/1)
Tenancy – The Lodge

In 1954 an extensive investigation was carried out to ascertain the true value of emoluments enjoyed by various employees.  In this connection the City Estates Officer assessed the rental value of this accommodation as £78. per annum (including General Rates and Water Rates but not including light and fuel).  After due consideration, however, it was decided by P.C. Min. No. 15900 of 6/12/1954 not to alter the value of emoluments.

6th December 1954 - Parks Department (Operations Card 55 C/H/6/1)
Tenancy – 2nd Floor Flat, Kings Heath Park House
In 1954 all Departmental properties occupied by employees were revalued by the City Estates Officer, and by Min. No. 15899 of 6/12/1954 it was decided to amend the rentals (with effect from 1st April 1955) in respect of accommodation occupied on a Service Tenancy basis in accordance with his recommendations (P.C. Min. No. 14567 of 4/1/1954 and No. 16201 of 3/1/1955 also refer).  No alteration in rental was recommended by the City Estates Officer in respect of this accommodation, however.


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